War Cry

War Cry Schmitt
This horror/fantasy title is being developed as a full-color webcomic at Smack Jeeves.

Hi-yo, Paul Schmitt here. War Cry is a web comic started as my October 2011 24 Hour Comic Challenge pencils. The first color pages are also over also at WAR Cry on Smack Jeeves. I've made and uploaded as post-Challenge colored pages. Five of these newer versions with these Star Trek setting/colors.

This material is horror and rated PG-13/14+ for adult themes and blood. The short story is weird fiction like Robert E Howard with magic, slaves, assassination and exploding castles.

The flat color layers. For five pages of inked and colored art the art still doesn't have - and lacks - lighting or shadows. The color is so damn flat in these first five pages. More pages with some Photoshop details will be ready in two more months.

As the print editions of Roaches and Puppets are getting printed in black-and-white books it's great to use color in a story. There are some exteriors for this book I'll post soon here.

This is the third self-published graphic novel or comic book I've done in one year. There's more excellent detail pages in production right now.

Puppets by Gargantuan MediaRoaches by Gargantuan Media
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